Pokémon Battle!

I was wondering if I should get a special group or club to play Pokémon with trainers or people who want to try the game for the first time. I have a Pikachu Libre and Suicune XY Trainer Kit for new trainers. I would also like to accept Local Play Pokémon Battles with any DS/3DS Pokémon games (must bring system and game). Another way to get a Pokémon video game is to rent it from the library for the club. Comment below for suggestions. If I get enough positive comments for this, I will suggest it to Mrs. Froning.

What is “Word Power”?

Words can be used in many different ways, including comforting, hurting, and communicating, which is why they’re so powerful.

Sometimes words can cause arguments, and can be sometimes devastating to relationships. Bullies use strong words to hurt others and make the bully feel better. The receiver feels horrible.

People also use words to communicate. People communicate with social media, text messages, and verbally. People communicate important events, how they’ve been, and with advertisements.

I think that word power really means the effect words can have. I feel that words are very important.

What is power?

Power is something that can sometimes help with everyday life. There’s many different kinds of power including:

  • Electrical
  • Wind
  • Solar
  • Water

Power is the ability to make changes. Power can also cause destruction in the form of natural and man made disasters. Power can also provide electricity with the Sun, water, and air or wind. Power also has to be made, it just doesn’t appear out of thin air. Power can be very strong, or very weak.